John Muir Elementary

John Muir

Principal’s Community Update 2/27/23

Student Technology – Please have the important conversation with your student regarding their responsibility of borrowing and taking care of a SPS device during the school year.  Replacing a damaged iPad ($250) or laptop ($350) could be at the expense of the family.  All devices must be handled responsibly and with care. Thank you. 

John Muir After-School Childcare Survey for 2023-24 Please complete this survey to help build the afterschool program at John Muir for the next school year. It will only take a few minutes! The survey doesn’t guarantee a spot in aftercare but is just  a tool to assess the need. 

2023 John Muir Move-a-Thon Move & Groove – Mark your calendars for Friday, March 17 when you’re invited to see your child on the MOVE* at our John Muir Move-a-Thon Move & Groove! This is an annual tradition as part of a joint fundraising partnership with the SE Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance, which you can learn more about the John Muir Move-a-thonStudents using wheelchairs and other necessary mobility devices are invited to join in the fun. Bikes, scooters, skateboards, and roller skates need to stay at home! Volunteer at the Move & Groove! – The Move-a-Thon committee is seeking volunteers to help make this special event awesome for students and families! If you can help set up before school or during the day with various tasks, please contact
Sponsor John Muir Students to GET MOVING! – Invite friends and family to sponsor our John Muir students as they GET MOVING! Online donations for the John Muir Move-a-thon can be accepted; checks payable to Alliance for Education with SESSFA on the memo line can be accepted at the John Muir Move-a-Thon Move & Groove event on Friday, March 17. 8:10-8:50 5th gr / 9:00-9:40 2nd gr / 9:45-10:25 3rd and 4th gr / 10:25-12:35 Break for recess and lunch / 12:35-1:15 K & 1st grade

Working Families Tax Credit – This information will benefit low to moderate income families. Eligible individuals and families can receive the Working Families Tax Credit, a tax refund up to $1,200 for Washington workers. Find more information about Working Families Tax Credit.

Blog post explaining our partnership with the state 

Flyers in multiple languages about the Working Families Tax Credit

Questions? Contact the front office: #206-252-7400. Erika and Helina are always happy to help! You may also email Alana Haider (principal) or Quinta Thomas (ass’t principal)

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Principal’s Community Update 4/24/23

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