John Muir Elementary

John Muir

Welcome Kindergarten Families!

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Welcome to John Muir Elementary! We are excited for a fun year of learning with your children.

Our school day begins at 7:55 am, however students can be dropped off on the playground or have breakfast in the cafeteria at 7:40 am. Our Kindergarten Day ends at 2:25 pm (1:10 pm on Wednesdays). 

Here are a few things you need to know about kindergarten:

  • School supplies are provided by our wonderful PTA, but students will need to bring their backpacks to school. 
  • We ask that students bring an extra set of clothes in case of accidents – it is great to put them in a bag with their name on it. It is also helpful to write your child’s name on their coat, as they can easily be misplaced. 
  • We have snacks every day and we ask for donations if you are able. Examples of good snacks are goldfish, pretzels, crackers, or tangerines. Please do not send nuts or items with nuts in them because students may have allergies.

On the back of this letter, you will find a list of skills that are helpful for kids to have by the start of kindergarten. Your child’s transition to kindergarten will be smoother if they have these skills, and practicing at home will build your child’s confidence.

Save the Date! On August 17 from 10-11 am, we will have a Kindergarten Family Meet-up at Mt. Baker Park on the playground. You will get a chance to meet the Kinder Team, have a chat with our Principal and Assistant Principal, and meet other Kindergarten families! We hope you can join us!

We will be calling you Tuesday, Aug. 27 – Thursday, Aug. 29 to let you know who your teacher will be and to set up Family Conferences. These conferences are a chance to meet each other and see your child’s classroom. They will be held September 4, 5, and 6 here at John Muir. The first day of kindergarten is September 9.

We cannot wait to meet you and your child!


Your Kindergarten Team

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Admin Team:

Quinta Thomas, Principal

Michael Wheatly, Assistant Principal

Skills to Practice at Home

Social/emotional skills

  • Can be away from parents
  • Looks forward to going to school
  • Can take care of toilet needs independently
  • Care for own belongings
  • Joins in family conversation
  • Maintains self-control
  • Gets along with other children
  • Recognizes authority
  • Puts away toys
  • Helps with family chores
  • Works independently
  • Sits for 15 minutes at a time

Academic Skills

  • Counts to 10
  • Can count objects
  • Pretends to read (and has been read to frequently)
  • Writes and read own first name
  • Answers questions about a short story
  • Knows the letters of the alphabet

Motor Sills

  • Draw and color beyond a simple scribbles
  • Zips and buttons own clothes
  • Tie or Velcro own shoes
  • Open own lunch containers
  • Can feed self
  • Carries a plate of food
  • Dresses self