Lion Pride Community Update 3/16/2024
Lion Pride Community Update 3/16/2024
Global Reading Challenge: A HUGE congratulations to the “John Muir Potatoes” on their win at the Global Reading Challenge Semi Finals on Friday! They competed at the Downtown Library against 7 schools and won! You can root for them in the finals on March 26th from 5-7pm at the Downtown Library!
Happy Women’s History Month: Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. Women’s History Month 2024 will take place from Friday, March 1 – Sunday, March 31, 2024.
Math Fest: Join us for our Math Fest Thursday March, 21, 3:30pm- 5pm. Math Fest is a community event for children ages 3-11 and their families to build their confidence and enthusiasm for math.
Thanks, from the Muir PTA for a successful Play Date and Bake Sale! Whether you organized, baked, staffed, got the word out, donated, and/or attended the bake sale last Saturday, we appreciate you! It was beautiful to see our community come together to play and raise $900 for Muir (during a flash hailstorm no less!). The next bake sale will raise $ for SESSFA on May 4th (save the date and email us at if you want to get involved!). Sign up to volunteer for the bake sale.
State Assessments: Smarter Balance Assessment (SBA) will take place from April 29 to May 30th for all 3rd -5th graders. If you have questions about State testing, please email Mr. Thomas at
Want to Help Support Muir? Join the PTA Executive Committee! Most members of our current board have served a two-year term so we’re seeking volunteers for the roles of President, Vice President, and Secretary. Orientation and hands-on training and support will be provided to incoming leaders. If you’re interested or have questions, please reach out to
Muir’s NAAPID event was featured by SPS! Thank you to all the staff, volunteers, and families that made this beautiful event happen. National Native American Parent Involvement Day
A few reminders from the Drop Off/Pickup Policy:
- 34th Ave S is one way only going south at drop off and pickup
- Along 34th, don’t park anywhere except the cutout that goes along the playground
- Don’t drive into the teacher parking lot
- Drive slowly and come to a complete stop at stop signs
Remember: these rules are meant to keep kids, families, and staff safe!
John Muir Family Fun Art Workshop! Saturday, April 6, 10am-12:30pm at the Seattle Art Museum (SAM), 300 1st Ave, Seattle, WA 98101. Tour and activities led by a SAM museum educator, followed by a workshop led by a teaching artist. Lunch and interpretation provided. Families will receive tickets to enjoy the museum for the day. Transportation available – rsvp through the flyer that went home with your student. Learn about our partnership with SAM.
Volunteer Opportunities: We have a host of exciting volunteer opportunities coming up. Please visit the volunteer website to learn more and sign up.
Quinta Thomas, Principal