Lion Pride Community Update 1/5/24
Lion Pride Community Update 1/5/24
African and African American Family Caucus: We are asking all African and African American families to join us on January 11th, from 7 to 8 pm in the cafeteria, as we come together to address the academic and socio-emotional needs of our African and African American students which aligns with our districts strategic plan. Childcare and translating services will be available.
Music Assembly: Hello John Muir families! Please come join us for the Music Class Showcase on Thursday, January 18! Each grade will be performing one piece in the John Muir cafeteria. Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade will be performing 1:15pm – 1:40pm. The 2nd/3rd Split, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade will be performing 1:50pm – 2:15pm. Please email Mr. Prince at with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you so much!
Multilingual Family Hour: Please save the date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024. The ML department will be hosting a Multilingual Family Hour in January. This will be a time for us to discuss how we can partner with you to help your child have a successful elementary school experience. You can join the meeting in two ways. At school: 12:00 – 1:00; OR Online on Teams: 5:30 – 6:30. More information will be coming January. We look for forward to collaborating. -The ML Team
Husky Pride Day: Please join us in supporting the UW football team as they play for a National Title, by wearing UW Husky gear or colors on Monday, 1/8. Go Dawgs!
MLK Day: School will be closed Monday, January 15th in observance or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Muir teacher Wish Lists: Teacher wish lists
Donate Clothes: Following items are needed for our Health Room. NEW boys’ and girls’ underwear, sizes 5-12. Girls’ leggings, sizes 5-12 and masculine or neutral bottoms (sweatpants preferred) sizes 5-12. Please bring Health Room specific donations to the Front Office.
PTA Meeting: PTA working meeting: Tues January 9, 6:00-7:30pm, at Muir. Childcare and dinner will be provided. We are working to provide interpretation. All are welcome! Attend in-person or via zoom.
Volunteer opportunities: Full list of available volunteer opportunities. For more PTA updates, visit the John Muir PTA website and sign up for our newsletter (scroll to the bottom)
Free homework help at local libraries Seattle Public Libraries offer free homework help at local branches, including some afternoons at the Columbia branch. No advanced sign-up necessary.
Partner Support Newsletter: Partner Support Newsletter Jan. 5
A few reminders from the Drop Off/Pickup Policy
34th Ave S is one way going south at drop off and pickup. Don’t park, even temporarily:
- In the driveways on 34th (near the dumpsters or near the walk-in gate)
- In the driveway on Horton (staff parking lot)
- Within 20 feet of intersection
Thank you! John Muir families, for all you do for the John Muir Staff. The goodies on Tuesday were a “sweet” welcome to the New Year. We are grateful for your kindness and generosity throughout the school year.