Lion Pride Community Update 1/19/2024
Map Testing: Map testing starts next week. The week of January 22nd students will test in reading and the week of January 29th students will test in math. Please make sure students get a good night’s rest, have breakfast (can eat school breakfast), and arrive at school on time. Testing can cause anxiety, so don’t forget to encourage them to do their best and take their time!
NAAPID: Hello John Muir families! Please join us for our National African American Parent Involvement Day February 12th, 2024, from 9am to 1pm. We will have an interactive career fair for students to participate in. We are currently seeking parents to volunteer in their children’s classrooms and Black professionals to serve at our career fair. For more information and how to get involved, email Anisha Noriega at
Lunar New Year Assembly: We will have our Lunar New Year Assembly February 12th from 9 am to 9:25 am. All families are invited.
Black History Assembly: We will have our Black History Assembly February 2nd from 9 am to 9:25 am. All families are invited.
Mid-Winter Break: School will be closed the week of February 19th and will resume on February 26th.
Muir Teacher Wish Lists: View teacher wish lists.
Family Resource Hour: This is a reminder that we have family resource hour every Wednesday from 12 pm to 1pm in the school Library. Feel free to drop in if you need anything interpreted or would like to chat with Admin.
Do you have a younger student who will be 5 by August 31? Register today for the 2024-25 school year! Registering ASAP helps the District and Muir budget and plan. View Seattle Public Schools new student enrollment Information.
Volunteer Opportunities: Full list of available opportunities
For more PTA updates, please sign up for our e-newsletter (scroll to the bottom)
Free homework help at local libraries Seattle Public Libraries offer free homework help at local branches, including some afternoons at the Columbia branch. No advanced sign-up necessary.
Action Alert!! Seattle Public Schools is facing budget deficits that threaten to cause huge cuts and even school closures. To share your views, you can contact your legislators via this form. If you want to learn more about such advocacy, consider joining the All Together for Seattle Schools listserv.
Clothing Needed: We have a high need for new girls’ and boys’ underwear (sizes 5-8) leggings and sweatpants (sizes 5-8) for our Health Room. Please bring donations to the Muir Office. Thank you!
Quinta Thomas, Principal