John Muir Elementary

John Muir


Welcome to the John Muir Elementary School Library

Mission Statement

The mission of the Muir Library and Computer Program is to create a warm, welcoming environment where students are empowered to become lifelong learners, lovers of the written word, and effective users of ideas, information, and technology.

Three Roles of the Librarian

  1. Teach Information Literacy
  2. Promote Literacy and Advocate Reading
  3. Manage Information by providing appropriate information resources to students, teachers, administrators, and parents

Libraries and Student Achievement

A substantial body of research since 1990 shows a positive relationship between school libraries and student achievement. Fourteen unique state research studies validated that a school library program that is adequately staffed, resourced, and funded can lead to higher student achievement regardless of the socioeconomic or educational levels of the community. 

Library Programs Promoting Literacy

Global Reading Challenge 

In conjunction with the Seattle Public Library 4th and 5th graders are encouraged to participate in the Challenge which involves teams of 7 students working together. Each team will have read each of the 10 Global Reading Challenge books. There will be a Muir playoff and the winning team will go on to the Semi-Finals at the Seattle Public Library.  If they win the Semi – Finals, they will go on to the Championship Round.

Learn more about the Global Reading Challenge