Lion Pride Community Update 6/15/2024
Lion Pride Community Update 6/15/2024
Device Collection and Library Books: All devices, accessories, and library books are due back to the school ASAP. If you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to call John Muir.
No School Wednesday, June 19, in observance of Juneteenth
Last Day of School, Friday, June 21, 1-hour early dismissal. Please check the Lost & Found for missing items.
Thank you to everyone who supported, donated, and attended our Family Pride Night and Juneteenth Festival! Both events were amazing and our students had a great time. We would like to thank the following organizations for their participation in the Family Pride Night: Utopia Washington, PFLAG, Muslims for Progressive Values, and Lambert House. We would also like to thank the following organizations and businesses who participated in our Juneteenth Festival: Space Between, Rainer Valley Food Bank, Seattle Fire Department, Somali Behavioral Health, YMCA, Columbia City Library, First Tee Golf, Team Seattle Basketball, Safeway, Beacon Hill Red Apple, Lowe’s, Taco Time, Seattle Department of Transportation, and Seattle Housing Authority.
Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT)’s John Muir Home Zone: SDOT plans to invest in safe routes to school infrastructure for our school using a Home Zone approach. Learn more about SDOT’s John Muir Home Zone.
- They’re recruiting for the Steering Committee. Members would be eligible for compensation. To learn more about the Steering Committee, email
- Complete the John Muir Home Zone’s Community Needs Survey. Help identify issues and community priorities related to active transportation in the neighborhood. Please share with friends, family, and neighbors.
The City of Seattle School Traffic Safety Committee (STSC) is recruiting for a volunteer member. The committee recommends new school crosswalk locations, crossing guard assignments, criteria for placement of crossing guards, and traffic circulation plans for schools. Muir family’s experience, expertise, and representation would be a huge asset to the STSC. The position is a 3-year term and we typically meet remotely and in person on third Fridays from 8:30-10:30 am at Seattle City Hall. Apply for the City of Seattle School Traffic Safety Committee directly on the City Clerk’s website.
Mount Baker Summer Festival: Sunday, June 23 @ Hunter Boulevard Park (3299 Hunter Boulevard S) 10 am – 5 pm. Music, food, and fun with neighbors! Learn more about the Mount Baker Summer Festival activities
Summer Camps and Sports Sign-up: If you have information on any summer camps or sports sign-ups that could benefit our students please email them to Mr. Thomas at and we will send them out to families.
Mount Baker Lakewood Soccer Sign-ups are now open.
The Massive Monkees’ Dance Studio, The Beacon, is hosting a week-long day camp August 12-16. Youth be exposed to all the different elements of hip hop culture with breaking, graffiti, DJing, MCing, and more! There are limited scholarships available for Medicaid eligible youth. Here’s the link for to apply for a scholarship. The Beacon Calendar
Quinta Thomas, Principal